even a thousand contact so far,
we have to receive the forest group biotuotetehdasprojektissa exactly 1000 contact cooperation interested operators verkkosivujemme yhteydenottolomakkeen.
all posted contact is documented and goes through, we have found a number of partners through the contacts.the form was opened biotuotetehtaan website in june 2014.
is by far the most contacts, has become the construction operators, but with widely different sectors. biotuotetehdasta is currently being built, going are the earthworks, the pilings, the bleed and the first elementtirakenteiden pystytykset.
we still need a different sectors, partners and service providers, cooperation, interested can continue to contact verkkosivujemme way. report to the partner by telling about lycar industries and its ydinosaamisalueista form: http: / / biotuotetehdas.fi / partner.
thank you to all that have contact!