ÖFINNAIRHRKIRJASTOSEINÄNews 2015 November 12編集(E)ウォッチ (W)共有(S)ツールサイドバー翻訳 - ÖFINNAIRHRKIRJASTOSEINÄNews 2015 November 12編集(E)ウォッチ (W)共有(S)ツールサイドバー英語言う方法


News 2015 November 12
ウォッチ (W)
Finnair valmistautuu kaukoliikenteen kasvuun - lisäkapasiteettia Euroopan syöttöliikenteeseen jo kesäkaudelle 2016

Kuten Finnair osavuosikatsauksessaan viime kuussa kertoi, yhtiö suunnittelee lisäävänsä Euroopan syöttöliikenteen kapasiteettia kaukoliikennekapasiteettinsa kasvua silmällä pitäen. Ensi vaiheessa Finnair vuokraa väliaikaisesti kaksi A321-kapearunkokonetta osittain miehistöineen. Yhtiö arvioi myös vaihtoehtoja pysyvän kapearunkokoneiden lisäkapasiteetin hankkimiseksi.
Merkittävä osa Finnairin liikenteestä on Euroopan ja Aasian tai Amerikan välistä kauttakulkuliikennettä, jossa Helsinki toimii vaihtopaikkana. Finnairin nykyinen Euroopan-liikenteen kapearunkolaivasto on jo tehokkaassa käytössä ja matkustajakäyttöasteet ovat korkeat. Siksi kaukoliikenteen kasvu edellyttää myös Helsingin ja Euroopan välisen syöttöliikenteen kapasiteetin lisäämistä.
Kasvavan kaukoliikenteen tarvitsema syöttöliikennekapasiteetti tullaan hankkimaan korvaamalla pieniä kapearunkokoneita suuremmilla. Tämän vuoksi yhtiö suunnittelee Embraer-laivastonsa pienentämistä ja yhdestä ATR-koneesta luopumista. Tarvittava kapasiteetti korvataan ensi vaiheessa kahdella Airbus-vuokrakoneella. Finnair saa koneet käyttöönsä vuodeksi toukokuusta 2016 alkaen.
Finnair valmistautuu myös pysyvään kapearunkokoneiden lisäkapasiteetin hankkimiseen ja arvioi parhaita vaihtoehtoja kasvun toteuttamiseksi. Finnair on jo aloittanut lentäjien ja matkustamohenkilökunnan rekrytoinnin.
- Kasvun mahdollistamiseksi tuomme syöttöliikenteeseen lisäkapasiteettia konekokoa kasvattamalla. Samaan aikaan osa liikenteestämme on kannattavinta lentää pienemmällä kalustolla. Norran rooli alueellisen lentämisen operaattorina on Finnairille edelleen tärkeä ja yhtiön osuus Finnairin Euroopan liikenteestä huomattava, Finnairin toimitusjohtaja Pekka Vauramo kommentoi.
Finnair sai ensimmäisen A350-900 XWB -koneensa 7.10.2015 ja tällä hetkellä todennäköisen toimitusaikataulun mukaan Finnairilla on niitä viisi vuoden 2016 toisen neljänneksen alkuun, seitsemän vuoden 2016 loppuun, 11 vuoden 2017 loppuun ja 19 vuoden 2023 loppuun mennessä. Osa uusista A350-koneista kasvattaa Finnairin operoimien lentokoneiden lukumäärää ja osalla korvataan matkustajakapasiteetiltaan pienempiä laajarunkokoneita.
Finnairin strategisena tavoitteena on kaksinkertaistaa liikenteensä Aasian ja Euroopan välillä vuoteen 2020 mennessä vuoden 2010 tasosta. Strategia perustuu Aasian kasvaviin markkinoihin, nopeisiin yhteyksiin Helsingin kautta Koillis-Aasian ja Euroopan välillä, laadukkaaseen palveluun sekä kustannustehokkaaseen ja täsmälliseen operointiin.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
A to zFINNAIRHRLIBRARYWALLNews 2015 November 12編集 (E)ウォッチ (W)共有 (S)ツールサイドバーの末尾にスキップサイドバーの先頭に移動Finnair is gearing up for the long distance growth-additional capacity for the period June 2016 European input transportIn a survey last month said the interim report, such as Finnair, the company is planning to increase the capacity of the European feeder kaukoliikennekapasiteettinsa growth in mind. As a first step, two A321-Finnair rent temporary kapearunkokonetta part of his crew. The company will also assess options for additional capacity of the standing kapearunkokoneiden.A significant part of Finnair's traffic is in transit between Europe and Asia or the United States, where the Helsinki Exchange. Finnair's current traffic kapearunkolaivasto is already in use and matkustajakäyttöasteet are high. Because of the long distance between Helsinki and growth also requires the European feeder capacity-building.To increase the capacity of the transport will be required to obtain input for touring by replacing the small kapearunkokoneita the larger ones. Because of this, the company is planning to reduce its fleet of Embraer-and one ATR-computer. The required capacity of the first stage two shall be replaced by the Airbus-computer. Finnair will get the machines use for may 2016.Finnair is gearing up for a permanent kapearunkokoneiden to obtain additional capacity and assess the best options for growth. Finnair has already started the recruitment of pilots and cabin crew.-In order to allow the growth of the capacity of the size of the input transport for disabled guests we are increasing. At the same time, part of the liikenteestämme is the most profitable to fly with a smaller equipment. The role of the regional operator of flying is to Us in Norran continues to be an important and significant in the company's share of Finnair's European traffic, Finnair's President and ceo Pekka Vauramo commented.Finnair received its first A350-900 XWB plane at the 7.10.2015 and at the moment it is likely, according to the delivery schedule By the beginning of the second quarter, the five year 2016, the end of a seven-year to the end of the year 2016-2017, 11 and 19, by the end of the year 2023. Part of the new A350 aircraft to increase the number of Finnair-operated aircraft and some parts of the matkustajakapasiteetiltaan shall be replaced by the smaller laajarunkokoneita.Finnair's strategic goal is to double its traffic between Asia and Europe by the year 2020 on the level of the year 2010. The strategy is based on the growing markets in Asia through the North-East of Helsinki, to the rapid connections between Asia and Europe, the quality of the service, as well as cost-effective and accurate operations.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
News 2015 November 12
Finnair is preparing for an increase in long-haul traffic - additional capacity in the European feeder traffic for the summer season 2016 as Finnair interim report last month told reporters that the company plans to increase the supply of transport capacity of long-haul capacity growth in mind. In the first phase Finnair will lease temporary two A321 narrow-body planes in part and his crew. The company expects the acquisition of options to remain narrow-body aircraft of additional capacity. A significant proportion of Finnair's traffic is transit traffic between Europe and Asia or America, which operates exchanges in Helsinki venue. Finnair's European traffic the current narrow-body fleet is already on the effective use and passenger load factors are high. Therefore, long-distance growth will also require feeder traffic between Helsinki and the capacity increased. Growing long-distance needed for the supply of transport capacity will be purchased by replacing the small slender body with larger machines. As a result, the company is planning Embraer fleet reduction and one ATR aircraft waiver. The required capacity will be replaced next stage, two Airbus-lease aircraft. Finnair has the equipment for use in May 2016. Finnair is preparing for the permanent acquisition of the narrow-body aircraft, additional capacity and assess the best options for implementing growth. Finnair has already started the recruitment of pilots and cabin staff. - To allow for growth, we will bring feeder traffic further increasing the size of the capacity of the machine. At the same time, part of the traffic is most profitable to fly smaller aircraft. The role of Norra regional aviation operator is still important for Finnair and the company's share of Finnair's European traffic should be noted, Pekka Vauramo Finnair President and CEO commented. Finnair received its first A350-900 XWB -koneensa 7/10/2015 and is currently the probable delivery schedule, Finnair is one of the top-five in the second quarter of 2016 , the end of the seven years 2016 to the end and the end 19 of 2023 11 of 2017. Some of the new A350 machines operated by Finnair to increase the number of aircraft and parts replaced with a passenger capacity of smaller wide-body aircraft. Finnair's strategic objective is to double traffic between Asia and Europe by 2020 from the 2010 level. The strategy is based in Asian emerging markets, high-speed connections to high-quality service from Helsinki via the North-East Asia and Europe, as well as cost-effective and precise operation of.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

, the wall of the library finnair hr
news 2015 november 12. 編集 (e)
ウォッチ (w)
共有 (s)
finnair is preparing for long-distance growth - additional capacity, the syöttöliikenteeseen already kesäkaudelle 2016

as finnair osavuosikatsauksessaan last month told me,the company plans to expand its european regional capacity kaukoliikennekapasiteettinsa growth in mind. the next stage, finnair rent temporarily two a321 - kapearunkokonetta partly and his crew. the company will also assess the options for permanent kapearunkokoneiden capacity.
a significant part of a finnair transport's european and asian or american between the transit, which operates vaihtopaikkana helsinki. a finnair the current european traffic kapearunkolaivasto is already effective use and matkustajakäyttöasteet are high. therefore, long-distance growth also requires the helsinki and the inter regional capacity increase.
the growing long-distance need be acquired by replacing the syöttöliikennekapasiteetti small kapearunkokoneita higher. therefore the company is planning with fleet reduction and one atr - plane of. the necessary capacity of the next stage, two airbus - we hire a light plane,. finnair's machines use years may 2016.
finnair is also preparing for the permanent kapearunkokoneiden capacity acquisition and assess the best choice to achieve the growth. finnair has already begun to pilots and cabin crew recruitment.
- growth bring syöttöliikenteeseen konekokoa capacity increasing. at the same time, part of the liikenteestämme is profitable to fly at a lower equipment.norran role in regional flying operator is finnairille continues to be an important and company share a finnair european transport noted a finnair ceo pekka vauramo comment.
finnair received the first a350 - 900 xwb - plane 7.10.2015 and currently the probable delivery timelines according to the finnairilla is them five year 2016, the second quarter of the beginning,seven the end of 2016, 11 year 2017 finish and 19 by the end of 2023. some of the new a350 machines to raise a finnair operated by the number of aircraft and a part of the article matkustajakapasiteetiltaan smaller laajarunkokoneita.
a finnair's strategic objective is to double the liikenteensä between asia and europe by the year 2020, the year 2010 level.the strategy is based on asian emerging markets, rapid connections to helsinki via the north-east between asia and europe, quality service and cost-effective and precise operation.
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