yai yoi ya hayai yoi ya hajumala rupeama kiihottumisenyoin yli kuu pim翻訳 - yai yoi ya hayai yoi ya hajumala rupeama kiihottumisenyoin yli kuu pim英語言う方法

yai yoi ya hayai yoi ya hajumala ru

yai yoi ya ha
yai yoi ya ha

jumala rupeama kiihottumisen
yoin yli kuu pimeta Valituslaulu
ye, Laulu oli... (julmuus Keskeyttaa)
(surra vaihtua)
ei ja vihma

kuu kelluva avoin sini meri vain jaettiin nyt.

(se uhrata)

Pienentya olen pimea
syovyttaa katala mielipuoli

Auta minua pois tummat.
Voin vain nahda kuu menee alas kuin muta
Vaikkakin Luna kriisi .Huoli, Pelasty

O Luna kriisi puuvilla kuu Se vuoro
me poista tyrannia
vaikkakin, Luna kriisi puuvilla kuu Se vuoro
me poista tyrannia
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Yai yoi ya haYai yoi ya hathe God of rupeama arousalthe appeal of the pimeta yoin over the Moon songye, the song was the ... (cruelty to terminate your use of the)(to mourn the change)No and vihmathe Moon floating in the open blue sea just now.(the sacrifice)Pienentya I pimeasyovyttaa a dreadful madmanPlease help me out of the dark.I can only see the Moon goes down as the mudAlthough Luna out of the crisis. Worry, PelastyO Luna in the crisis in the cotton month It dayWe remove the tyranny of theAlthough the crisis in the cotton, Luna the Moon That dayWe remove the tyranny of the
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
yoi ha ya yai
yai yoi ya ha god spell arousal yoin over the moon to get dark dirge ye, Song was ... (cruelty to interrupt) (mourn the change) is not and broom moon floating transparent blue-green sea only divided into now. (It sacrifice) decrease'm dark corrode the vile lunatic Help me out of the dark. I can only see the moon goes down like mud Although Luna crisis .Huoli, got scared O Luna crisis in the cotton moon, it's turn we will remove the tyranny though, Luna crisis in the cotton moon, it's turn we will remove the tyranny

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