Tukea Äänekoskelle luvassaAntti Rinne myös lupasi valtion tukea Ääneko翻訳 - Tukea Äänekoskelle luvassaAntti Rinne myös lupasi valtion tukea Ääneko英語言う方法

Tukea Äänekoskelle luvassaAntti Rin

Tukea Äänekoskelle luvassa

Antti Rinne myös lupasi valtion tukea Äänekosken tiehankkeisiin, mikäli Metsä Fibren tehdasinvestointi toteutuu.

– Poliittinen tahtotila oli laittaa rahaa Valtatie 4:ään ja perustieverkon kunnostukseen. Lopulta päätettiin kuitenkin odottaa yhtiön investointipäätöstä ja tarkkoja perusteluja, millaisia infrahankkeita tarvitaan.

Rinteen mukaan valtion rahahanat ovat parhaillaan leikkausten takia tiukassa, joten tieinvestoinneissa haluttiin pelata varman päälle. Lopulta tuettavat hankkeet hallituksen budjettiesityksessä valikoituivat virkamiesten esityksen perusteella.

– Valtio tukee kyllä Äänekosken tiehankkeita ajallaan, Aalto-salilla puhunut Rinne lupaa.

– Nelostien lisäksi myös alemman asteen tieverkon kehittäminen o
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Support of Course there

Antti Rinne also promised State support for the rebuilt road projects, if the Forest Fibren factory investment occurs. the political will of the State was

to put your money on highway 4 and perustieverkon for rehabilitation. Eventually, it was decided, however, to expect the company's investment decision and accurate arguments, what kind of

infrahankkeita needed.According to the State of the monetary taps are the slope being due to the cuts in tight, so that the tieinvestoinneissa wanted to play it safe. Eventually, the Group was down to the Government's draft budget to subsidise projects on the basis of a draft submitted by officials.

– Yes, the rebuilt road schemes in a timely manner, the State supports the wave at the gym talked about the Slope

with permission.The opening of the road, but also the lower-rate to road network development o
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Support Äänekoski like Antti Rinne also promised state aid änekoski road projects, if the Forest Fibre factory investment is realized. - The political intent was to put money on Highway 4 and the basic road network. In the end, it was decided to wait for the company's investment decision and the precise reasons for the kind of infrastructure projects are needed. slope according to the government's monetary taps are in the process because of cutbacks in tight, so the road investments wanted to play it safe. In the end, projects supported through Government budget officials were selected on the basis of a presentation. - The state supports yes änekoski road projects on time, Aalto at the gym spoken Slope permission. - Nelostien but also the lower the degree of development of the road network o

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