High school Prep training for immigrants or LUVA BEANIE To complete the Finnish version of high school Prep LUVA BEANIE is the school year for immigrants and to mark for young people. Vuosaari high school has been organizing training for the third academic year, among the first in Finland. Lukiollamme is a solid experience and skill to guide the young people, who dreams of high school but is not there yet. During authorization, the basics of mm. English as a second language, languages, maths and optional high school courses. Education receives a certificate and 6 additional points based on the following year to yhteishaussa, if the student decides to apply for vocational training. Search in LUVAan, when the-you have a primary school leaving certificate or equivalent level of knowledge and skills from abroad-you want to study in English, but the native language is something else and you need a confirmation of the high school course of study required by;-your goal is a high school and a high school diploma and postgraduate studies at a university or AMK:ssa are of interest to you -you want to upgrade the elementary school grades, or confirm for example mathematical expertise. -to strengthen learning skills. The number of students and group Rate The native language and literature (S2-) 10 Other languages (in English) 3 Math and science studies 2 Social awareness and cultural awareness 2 Study on the control 2 Optional studies (high school/elementary school) 6 An individual study plan for each student. The students get to study high school courses as soon as you know they are out, along with the other students at the high school with Vuosaari. High school courses can be completed in each episode. When a student is seeking the following year in high school, he's already a step ahead of the other. In the course of the year students get LUVA BEANIE-student financial aid, and the same student discounts as a high school student.LUVA BEANIE-training starts to 11.1. 2015. Training to comply with the high school section and vacation time. Training is on a full-time basis. Also, alppila, Helsinki www.alppl.edu.hel.fi/to organize the training of the academic year 2015-2016-LUVA BEANIE.Search training 21.7.2015 at www.opintopolku.fi. — For MORE INFORMATION: the principal of Willow, Tel. + 358 40 334 Marko-1306marko.paju@hel.fiStudy Director Wendy H, Tel. + 358 40-334 9327hannele.heino@edu.hel.fi 18.4. to 13.5. INFO: The FUTURE of the KITCHEN SINKTel. 050 402 5525 (Weekdays 9-16)Visiting address: Simonkatu 3 (C), 2nd floor NOTE. If the student has not reached the main body of the search, he or she can ask the study place later by being directly connected to the rehtoriin. The right of high school education did not give directly to LUVA BEANIE, but students will need to apply for a starting place in next year's high school, yhteishaussa. Welcome to the training site in Vuosaari, LUVA BEANIE-! A visit to the requests for permission to study Director: Wendy H, Tel. + 358 40-334 9327