the by-products of the aim to maximise the energy self-sufficiency, the factory will be a whole new level and activity is more efficient, too ympäristönäkökulmista. the factory did not come to use fossil fuels", recovery project manager jim lark summed up biotuotetehtaan idea. photos: forest groupthe new standards to forestrycurrently living in lappeenranta lark works biotuotetehdashankkeessa recovery project manager. kaukaan power as ceo, over the past five years working man decided to take the project managers from timo merikallion challenge a little reflection."this is a huge thing, be involved in bringing the largest metsäteollisuusinvestointia. we"re going to do something like that, what others have not done in the past. at the same time, creates a completely new standards ", in the past the uruguay project forest fibren payroll worked lark justifies.the main biotuotetehtaan new approaches and techniques relate specifically to talteenottolinjaan."by-products recovery aims to maximise. the factory will be a whole new level of energy self-sufficiency, and function is more efficient, too ympäristönäkökulmista. the factory did not come to use fossil fuels "," the lark summed up.