Kaipaisin tunnistusapua tällaiselle malja-kaunottarelle. Maljan korkeu翻訳 - Kaipaisin tunnistusapua tällaiselle malja-kaunottarelle. Maljan korkeu英語言う方法

Kaipaisin tunnistusapua tällaiselle

Kaipaisin tunnistusapua tällaiselle malja-kaunottarelle.
Maljan korkeus 16,2-17,2 cm. Yläosan halkaisija noin 30 cm. Alaosan halkaisija noin 17 cm. 'Terälehtien' epäsäännöllisyyksien vuoksi tarkkoja mittoja on mahdotonta antaa. Pohjassa pyöreä keskiö, jonka halkaisija 6 cm.
Maljan on saanut toinen appivanhemmistani 70-luvulla syntymäpäivälahjaksi täyttäessään 'pyöreitä'.
Toisen samanlaisen löysin ilokseni kirpputorilta, mutta täysin identtisiä ne eivät ole.
Kummassakaan maljassa ei ole signeerausta.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I would appreciate this kind of identification help-kaunottarelle. A toast to the height of the 16.2-17.2 cm. diameter of about 30 cm at the top of the lower part of the diameter is approximately 17 cm. ' petals ' because it is impossible to give precise measurements to detect anomalies. On the bottom of the circular, with a diameter of 6 cm. The Cup has been another button of my parents in the 70 's as a birthday present when filling out the ' round '. Another similar I found to my delight at a flea market, but they are not completely identical. In either manual draining is not strong.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I feel there is help for such identification-cup beauties.
The cup height from 16.2 to 17.2 cm. Top diameter of about 30 cm. The lower part of diameter of about 17 cm. Because of 'Petals' irregularities accurate measurements it is impossible to give. The bottom of the circular lens, with a diameter of 6 cm.
The dish has been second in-laws 70th century, the age of birthday 'round'.
Another similar'm happy I found at a flea market, but completely identical, they are not.
Neither of the cup, there is no signature.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
i could use tunnistusapua such a toast for the beauty.a toast height 16.2 - 17.2 cm. the upper part of the diameter of approximately 30 cm. the lower part of the diameter of approximately 17 cm. " the petals" irregularities due to precise dimensions it is impossible to give. at the bottom of a circular hub with a diameter of 6 cm.a toast has received the second appivanhemmistani in the "70s for my birthday, in the" round ".the second one i found to flea market, but they are not completely identical.in either of these in a bowl is not the signature.
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