The Ministry of children and Youth Ministry Setlementti activities for children and young people act according to their own skills and contribute to the community as equal members. Action is taken care of the self and the other, valued diversity and let's work together. Oman owing to its realization and a healthy sense of self is based on the valuation and approval of a relic as a young person as an individual. Each is a valuable and knowledgeable Our range of children's and youth ministries is a full-featured and activities are welcome to all kinds of children and young people. Setlementit organized by the children, young people and families in a variety of clubs, groups, for example, the open activities and camps. Child-and youth work is carried out according to the needs of the local setlementeissä in different parts of Finland, as well as a variety of ongoing development projects. Support for the management of life and its promotion is an important part of the child-and youth work. Responsibility for my life, fatigue and the basics of the environment in all its activities. Setlementtien child-and youth work supports young people to find and strengthen their own abilities and to learn new things. A variety of activities in support of a safe and healthy growth of the Setlementti activities of the young can act as a facilitator, a gardener in the salibandykerhon city of crops or, for example, tietoteknisenä as an Assistant senior citizens computer group. Clubs, camps, youth facilities and access to puuhaamaan itself to things of interest, get new experiences and friends, as well as to learn new things about self and others. Children and young people, as well as with that of adults. People of different ages can learn for themselves and to teach others a number of useful knowledge and skills pipojen crocheting video games. On the international stage is the opportunity to explore the erimaalaisiin children and young people, as well as to new languages and cultures. Children and young people participate in and affect the status of the action, at all levels of the Youth Association of the Federal Government to Setlementti to level up. Support for various situations of lifeMuotojamme are open to youth work activities, preventive Youth Ministry of erityisnuorisotyö. Open activities everyone can become as himself to spend time together, or just to calm down and to talk to an adult you trust. Adding to this the youth work to support safe and healthy growth of the young of their own needs. Erityisnuorisotyön forms and know how to, moniammatilliset employees will help when the young personal resources are scarce and the need for more sustained and more personalised support. National developmentSetlementti Federation of industries and the development of the work of the national paikallissetlementeissä to support, inter alia, by organising, employee meetings and training sessions, as well as management development projects. Child-and youth work in support of development projects is the Setlementti Union currently running three:• integrate a Youth Ministry MeKaikki!-project (RAY 2014-2016)• cross-sector network of the economic knowledge of young people in the project I Economics (RAY 2013-2017).• Organization of activities of social entrepreneurship and training project, we have an idea (RAY 2014-2016) The Ministry of children and Youth MinistrySenior Vice President Otto P (job alternation leave 1.12.2014-31 December 2015)Otto. p (at) VA. Development ManagerAlice Emily Tel. + 358 50 443 5510Liisa. ojala (at)