Forest Group participates in the National School of forestry-as far as possible, once again, a campaignForest Group press release 23.9.2015Forest Group will participate in this year, the forest industry training and career options and social opportunities for the forest products yhdeksäsluokkalaisille-school campaign. The campaign will be held this fall for the third the next few weeks, 60 Forest Group's professionals will visit nearly 100 elementary schools in various parts of Finland."Delightfully multi metsägroupilainen is actively involved in the campaign. Job opportunities and multiply the size of the forest products industry is an important issue, because the right time obtained from up-to-date information on opportunities can solve many young uravalinnan. Young people should inspire such schools as kodeissakin to seek programmes and companies to work for ", Group human resources Director, Anneli K says."We need to continue to be true experts in the next few years, the ice forest industry record for the number of employees to retire. In addition to the major investments, such as the Äänekoskelle, the biotuote, our factory is under construction, will open up interesting job and development opportunities. Knowledge is in demand. "FOREST GROUPCorporate communications