forest group biotuotetehtaan first landmark äänekosken downtown way viewed is a new punatiilinen building hiskinmäen bridge. recovery project manager jim lark can tell me exactly what it is."i touch the beach makes a new raakavesipumppaamo, which provides biotuotetehtaan production processes in the water. maksimiteholla water can be taken even ten cubic metres per second. "most of the water is used for cooling, but part of the water is purified sellunvalmistuksen needs."six big pump to pump water, 1.4 km long, in diameter, more than kaksimetristä, through a pipe to the factory," the energy technology engineer lark describes.äänekoski is kiurulle familiar city, man namely, went to school in three decades ago, when his father, george "the lark was building a forest fibren current sellutehdasta.