Finnair is preparing for the possibility of going to Rio for the support for the strike on 19-20 May.In the aviation sector, the Union has threatened to execute 19.-20.5.2015 support for a strike, which would have a significant impact on the Finnairiin and its subcontractors. Support for the strike involves a dispute over work conditions, and to be followed By Airpro Ltd. has nothing to do with the collective dispute.If implemented, this would have a significant impact on Finnair's flights in support of the strike, because it would stop the strike action, in practice, the baggage services and services related to those machines for several hours over two days and thus at the time of the ruuhkaisimpaan mess up travel plans for tens of thousands of people. Support for the strike would slow down the Finnair customer service at Helsinki-Vantaa on the ground.If a strike seems to be closed, Finnair will withdraw a large portion of the flights on 19-20 May. and part of the flights also 18.5., in order to avoid the situation where thousands of people remain stranded in the air stood at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport.-We have started a strike situation and precautionary. Our primary goal is to minimize the effects of the strike for our clients, but in spite of this, the mere threat of a strike caused by the reputation of the side is great. We have seen during the previous strike threats, for example, in Japan, trust will be lost quickly and travel agencies will take to withdraw the reservations. They always have other carriers from which to choose, Finnair's chief operating officer Ville Skin commented. -If a strike occurs, we suffer serious economic losses.Finnair in the hopes that the parties will reach an agreement, and to avoid lakolta and support lakolta.Finnair offers customers the ability to transfer their reservation to strike dates to another point in time. If the threat of a strike will not budge on the eve of the strike, Finnair will cancel its flights, and as far as possible, the transfer of clients for other flights.ID-the days of planning for the potential strike missions and their environment is not recommended.