Sain viestisi myöhään. Luin sen aamulla enkä vastannut siihen, koska sanoit tulevasi opiskelemaan aamulla. Nyt olen huolissani, kun sinä et ole täällä, vaikka kello on jo puoli kymmenen.
I got your message. I read about it in the morning and I do not respond to it, because you said you're running study in the morning. Now I'm worried about, when you are not here, even if it is already half past ten.
I got your message late. I read about it in the morning and I answered it because you said to become to study in the morning. Now I'm worried about when you're not here, even if the clock is already half past ten.
i got the message too late. i read it in the morning and i didn"t answer it, because you said you"d come to school in the morning. now i"m worried about when you"re not here, even though it"s already half past ten.