Always the weaker side of theSetlementti values following the difficult life situations, in particular, the most vulnerable sector is seeking to improve the social situation of the. The industry serves the setlementtien all sectors by finding and developing an active time of suitable forms of action. Setlementti on the move in many ways, the mantle is the role of the developer and technical work, such as the crisis of substance abuse rehabilitation, violence and trauma at work, mediation, the crime victim compensation and debt counselling. A large part of the criminal and civil mediation is done in setlementeissä. Often crises and difficult life situations perceived as marginal phenomenon, although in reality they belong at some point most of the life. Companion support, assistance and therapy, people are able to return to a full life. Difficult life situations-the industry is made up of the tasks performed by the setlementti business makes, as well as national and local partners, independently and collectively, these include, for example, the victim, as well as criminal and civil matters. Growing occupation is difficult to työllistyvien the development of a variety of employment opportunities in the business-and viranomaisyhteistyömallien. Examples of setlementti work on the difficult life situations in circulation: