Dear Shante san, Thank you very much for your attention and co-operati翻訳 - Dear Shante san, Thank you very much for your attention and co-operati日本語言う方法

Dear Shante san, Thank you very muc

Dear Shante san,

Thank you very much for your attention and co-operation for the common Amada target.

Now PPT is finished, so we can share as the AEE point of view.

Target is to understand if the AEE involvement is required or not and have a clear commitment, as Mr. Clementi wrote.

Till today, this action cost 15.000€ to AEE plus an amount of working hours (mainly of Mr. Benassi/RaAP).

‘Communication’: you know we are in contact very often with GMBH and we shared with you about i.e. the Rackers opportunity, which seems you were not aware of.

According to latest information from Guido, Bruns proposal should be presented in CW_48; Hatzis will go next month to TC Landshut for HD-ATC, and he’s interested in FO with tube (10 mt…) cutting still.

On your side, we are awre that current progress in the communication and sharing with GMBH is finalized to Hatzis, BVS and Bruns actions; please let us know in case of further news or actions we should mention.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Shante san,

Thank you very much for your attention and co-operation for the common Amada target.

Now PPT is finished, so we can share as the AEE point of view.

Target is to understand if the AEE involvement is required or not and have a clear commitment, as Mr. Clementi wrote.

Till today, this action cost 15.000€ to AEE plus an amount of working hours (mainly of Mr. Benassi/RaAP).

‘Communication’: you know we are in contact very often with GMBH and we shared with you about i.e. the Rackers opportunity, which seems you were not aware of.

According to latest information from Guido, Bruns proposal should be presented in CW_48; Hatzis will go next month to TC Landshut for HD-ATC, and he’s interested in FO with tube (10 mt…) cutting still.

On your side, we are awre that current progress in the communication and sharing with GMBH is finalized to Hatzis, BVS and Bruns actions; please let us know in case of further news or actions we should mention.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Shante san,

Thank you very much for your attention and co-operation for the common Amada target.

Now PPT is finished, so we can share as the AEE point of view.

Target is to understand if the AEE involvement is required or not and have a clear commitment, as Mr. Clementi wrote.

Till today, this action cost 15.000€ to AEE plus an amount of working hours (mainly of Mr. Benassi/RaAP).

‘Communication’: you know we are in contact very often with GMBH and we shared with you about i.e. the Rackers opportunity, which seems you were not aware of.

According to latest information from Guido, Bruns proposal should be presented in CW_48; Hatzis will go next month to TC Landshut for HD-ATC, and he’s interested in FO with tube (10 mt…) cutting still.

On your side, we are awre that current progress in the communication and sharing with GMBH is finalized to Hatzis, BVS and Bruns actions; please let us know in case of further news or actions we should mention.
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