Asuntokunnan keskikoko Asuntokunnan keskikoko kertoo kuinka monta ihmistä keskimäärin muodostaa asuntokunnan. Asuntokunnan keskikoko saadaan jakamalla asuntoväestö asuntokuntien lukumäärällä.
The average size of the apartmentThe average size of the apartment will tell you how many people on average makes up the apartment. The average size of the housing shall be obtained by dividing the population by the number of residential housing.
A household average size of the average size of a household dwelling unit telling how many people on average, constitutes a dwelling unit. A household is obtained by dividing the average size of the housing stock by the number of dwelling units.
household dwelling size household dwelling's how many people, on average, represents the average household dwelling. household dwelling size shall be obtained by dividing the number of asuntoväestö asuntokuntien.