Metsäteollisuus ei katoa – se vain muuttuu
Tiivistelmä: Joensuun tiedepuiston kehityspäällikkö Harri Välimäki kirjoittaa kolumnissaan, että metsien biomassa on Suomen merkittävin luonnonvara. Metsäteollisuudella on mennyt 2000-luvulla huonosti, kun paperin, sahatavaran ja vanerin tuotanto on pienentynyt. Suomessa pitäisi kuitenkin kehittää uutta metsäbiotaloutta, eli metsien biomassasta pitäisi tuottaa korkeamman jalostusarvon tuotteita uusin menetelmin. Pohjois-Karjalassa toimii nykyisin voimalaitos, joka tekee hakkuujätteestä raskaan polttoöljyn korvaavaa bioöljyä. Alueella toimii myös sellutehdas, jossa tuotetaan raaka-ainetta Kiinan tekstiiliteollisuudelle.
the forest industry does not disappear - it just becomes
summary: Joensuu Science Park Development grayling intermediate hill writes in his column that forest biomass is the most important natural resource Finland. The forest industry has gone badly in the 2000s, when the paper, lumber and plywood production has decreased. In Finland, however, should develop a new metsäbiotaloutta,of forest biomass to produce higher-value products using new methods. north Karelia is currently operating the power plant, which makes the wood residues of heavy fuel oil substitute bio-oil. the area also serves as a pulp mill for the production of raw material for the Chinese textile industry.

The forest industry will not disappear – it just changes to
summary: Joensuu Science Park Development Manager Harry Välimäki writes in his column that the forest biomass is the most important natural resource. The forest industry has gone into the 21st century bad, when the paper, lumber and plywood production has declined. In Finland, however, should be to develop a new forest biomass procurement economy the biomass of forests should produce higher-value products to the latest methods. North Karelia is currently the head of power plant, which makes the replacement of heavy fuel oil from waste bioöljyä. Area also serves as a pulp mill, which produces the raw material for China's textile industry.