Please note that the id of the passengers shall be subject to the same rules and excess baggage fees/non-commercial matkustajiakin. The allowed baggage and excess baggage fees, you can check out Finnair's own website.Finnair's flights may be id-you have 2 bags, neither of which may weigh more than 23 kg. Other companies are allowed in General, only 1 bag, allowed the number of your ticket or travel trade shows, you can check it in eg. myIDTravelin the ID of the Agreements – section or from flight listing option at FlyZED | I Travel | Airline employeesBy prefix2L2N3E3H3S4Q5T6H777F7H7I8P8U9K9M9WA3A5AAABACADAEAFAHAIAMARASATAVAYAZB2B6B7B8BABB * BEBIBMBPBRBTBWCICMCXDEDLDXEBEIEKENEQETEWEYF7F9FIFJG3G4G ...