Rekisteröitävän teoksen ilmoittanut: Masui Yuko
Teos: Psalmi 100
Jakoperuste: Sopimusjako
MASUI YUKO Säveltäjä
MASUI YUKO Sanoittaja
MASUI YUKO Sovittaja
The title of the CD is "Reijo Blommendahl: Tuonne, tuonne kaipaan." The song I composed, wrote the lyrics, arranged in that CD is "Psalmi 100."
…The name of the recording company from which this CD was published is "Aikamedia" of Finland.
…It was also written on the jacket of the CD, "2013 Prisma-musiikki Aikamedia, Finland."
…Because I married, my name has changed now from "Yuko INOMATA" to "Yuko MASUI" (now my surname is MASUI).
…So the recipient of the copyright fees will be "Yuko MASUI." Korvaa edellisen teosilmoituksen.
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