Jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskusIkäihmisten palveluja on Jokkakallion 翻訳 - Jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskusIkäihmisten palveluja on Jokkakallion 英語言う方法

Jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskusIkä

Jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskus

Ikäihmisten palveluja on Jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskuksessa kehitetty Rovalan Setlementti ry:n arvojen mukaisesti: asiakaslähtöisesti, avoimesti, luottaen ja yksilön oikeuksia kunnioittaen sekä yhteisöllisesti. Laadun kehittäminen on ollut vahvasti mukana jo 1990-luvulta lähtien.

Asukkaiden kokonaisvaltainen hoiva, huolenpito ja kuntouttava toiminta ovat mahdollistaneet pitkät asumisajat ja toimintakyvyn säilymisen. Vilkas kulttuuritarjonta ja luova toiminta ovat pitäneet mielen virkeänä, vaikka sairaudet muutoin rajoittavat toimintaa.

Jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskuksen tarkoituksena on edistää ja tukea vanhusten, vammaisten ja muiden eläkeläisten hyvinvointia ja toimintakykyä tuottamalla ja kehittämällä yksilöllisiä palveluasunto-, ryhmäasumis- ja palvelukeskuspalveluja.


Palvelukeskuksesta löytyvät toimistopalvelut, ateriapalvelut, fyysiset ja psykososiaaliset kuntoutuspalvelut sekä jalkahoitola.

Psykososiaalinen toiminta sisältää virikkeellistä pienryhmätoimintaa talossa asuville ja ulkopuolisille eläkeläisille.

Viikko-ohjelma sisältää keskusteluryhmiä, tarinatuokioita, takkahetkiä, ostosreissuja ja juhlia. Vapaaehtoistyöntekijät ovat toiminnassa mukana. Mummon Kammari, johon ovat tervetulleita myös talon ulkopuoliset ikäihmiset, kokoontuu maantaisin klo 13.00 alkaen.

Jokkakallion ruokala Kapusta tuottaa ateriapalvelut Jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskuksen asukkaille ja henkilökunnalle

Rovaniemen kaupungin kirjasto ylläpitää palvelutalossa siirtokokoelmaa, joka mahdollistaa kirjastopalvelujen sujuvan käytön.

Fysioterapiassa ohjataan ikääntyviä ja ikäihmisiä omaehtoiseen liikunta- ja toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen sekä annetaan kuntoutusta lääkärin lähetteellä tai ilman.

Jalkahoitopalvelut tuottaa Kauneus- ja Jalkahoitola Oceana, Outi Ollila puh. 044 5505 914

Kotihoidon palveluasunnot ja ryhmäkoti Ainola

Vuodesta 1993 Jokkakallion palvelutalo on tarjonnut oman kodin turvallisessa ympäristössä, jossa apua on aina tarvittaessa saatavilla. Palvelutalossa on 36 asuntoa, joista 30 on yksiöitä (40 m²) ja loput 6 kaksioita (50 m²). Kaikki asunnot ovat inva-mitoitettuja ja ne on varustettu turvapuhelimilla.

Asukkaat saavat hoito- ja palvelusuunnitelman mukaiset kotihoitopalvelut Jokkakallion kotihoidosta.

Palveluasunnoissa voi asua joko kunnan maksusitoumuksella tai itse maksavana asukkaana. Vaihtoehtoja ovat tavallinen tai tehostettu palveluasuminen. Itse maksavana asukkaana voi saada kunnalta palvelusetelin kotihoitopalveluiden ostamiseen.

Tammikuussa 2013 on avattu 10-paikkainen ryhmäkoti Ainola. Asukkaat saavat hoito- ja palvelusuunnitelman mukaiset kotihoitopalvelut Jokkakallion kotihoidosta.

Lisätietoja antavat vastaava hoitaja Anne Lampinen puh. 040 353 0437, hoitajat puh. 040 487 3025, toimistosihteeri Mervi Halvari, puh. 040 487 3021.


Kotihoito perustuu ennalta laadittuun hoito- ja palvelusuunnitelmaan, jota tarkistetaan tilanteen muuttuessa tarpeen mukaan, vähintään kerran vuodessa. Kotihoito voi olla jatkuvaa tai tilapäistä ja se voi sisältää sekä sairaanhoitajan että lähihoitajan antamaa palvelua, esim. lääkehoitoa, kylvetysapua, ruokailuapua ja viikkosiivousta.

Lisätietoja antavat vastaava hoitaja Anne Lampinen puh. 040 353 0437, tai hoitajat puh. 040 487 3025

Lääkäripalvelut tulevat Rovaniemen kaupungin terveyskeskuksesta.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jokkakallion housing service centreOlder people's services are Jokkakallion housing Service Centre developed in accordance with the values of the Rovalan Setlementti Association: customer-oriented, open, trusting and respecting the rights of the individual and the community. Quality development has been deeply involved since the 1990s.The residents of holistic nursing, caring and rehabilitating the long residence times, and are made possible the survival of the capacity for action. A lively cultural and creative activity have kept the mind refreshed, even though the disease otherwise limit activities.Jokkakallion housing service centre aims to promote and support the well-being of the elderly, the disabled and other pensioners and capacity for action by generating and developing unique service apartment-, ryhmäasumis-and service centre.Service CenterThe Service Center can be found on the Office of services, catering services, physical and psycho-social rehabilitation services, as well as on foot.Psychosocial activities include stimulating the activities of those who live in the House and outside the small group of pensioners.Weekly programme includes discussion groups, the story of the sessions, tours, shopping, and a fireplace in the moments to celebrate. The volunteers are involved. Grandma's Office, to which are invited to our House for the elderly, will meet outside the maantaisin at 13:00.Jokkakallion soup kitchen Ladle produce catering to residents of the Jokkakallion residence Service Centre, and staffRovaniemi City Library maintains a collection of service in the House of the transfer, which allows the smooth use of library services.In physiotherapy will be redirected to ageing and the elderly in spontaneous exercise-and on the maintenance of the capacity of referral from your doctor or without access to rehabilitation.Podiatry services to generate beauty and Salon Oceana, Outi Ollila Tel. 5505 044 914Home health care service apartments and group home AinolaSince 1993, the House of the Jokkakallion service is provided in your home in a safe environment, where help is always available. Service in the House has 36 apartments, of which 30 are Studios (40 m²) and the rest of the 6 apartments (50 m²). All apartments are disabled-dimensioned and are equipped with security phones.Residents will receive the care and service in accordance with the plan for the management of the home care services Jokkakallion home.Service apartments can reside either in the payment of the commitment or in the wake of a resident. Options are regular or enhanced service housing. In the wake of the dweller of the liver can be obtained from the service voucher for the purchase of the home care services.In January 2013, opened a 10-person group home Ainola. Residents will receive the care and service in accordance with the plan for the management of the home care services Jokkakallion home.For more information, contact the person in charge of Anne L Tel. 0437, Tel. 040 353 the Office of the Secretary of the 487 3025, Mervi 040 H, phone + 358 (0) 040 487 3021.Home careHome care is based on the care and service plan, drawn up by checking for changes in the situation, as necessary, at least once a year. Home care can be a constant or temporary and it can contain, as well as by the practical nurse with nursing service, eg. medical treatment, bathing assistance, food assistance and weekly cleaning.For more information, contact the person in charge of Anne L Tel. 040 353 0437, or keepers of Tel. 040 487 3025Medical services come to the Rovaniemi city centre.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Jokkakallion residential service for older people services are Jokkakallion housing service center developed Settlement of Rovala in accordance with the values ​​of a customer-oriented, open, trusting and respecting the rights of the individual as well as communal. Quality development has been strongly involved already since the 1990s. Residents holistic nursing, care and rehabilitation activities have allowed the long residence times and the preservation of functional ability. The lively cultural offerings and creative activity have kept the mind alert, even though the disease would otherwise restrict the operations. Jokkakallion housing service is designed to promote and support well-being and functional capacity of the elderly, the disabled and other pensioners by producing and developing tailor-palveluasunto-, ryhmäasumis- and service center services. Service center The service center can be found on office services, catering services , physical and psychosocial rehabilitation services, as well as pedicure. Psychosocial activities include stimulating small-group activities in the house residents and outsiders for senior citizens. The weekly program includes discussion groups, tarinatuokioita, fireplace moments, shopping trips and partying. Volunteers will be involved. Grandma Claus Office, which are also welcome outside the house the elderly, will meet on Mondays at 13.00. Jokkakallion canteen Kapusta produces meal services Jokkakallion living center residents and staff of the Rovaniemi City Library maintains the service in the house transfer a collection, which allows library services for smooth operation. In physiotherapy, controlled aging and older people's self-motivated exercise and functional capacity to maintain, as well as to rehabilitation doctor's referral, or without. Foot treatment to produce beauty and Foot Spa Oceana, Outi Ollila, tel. 044 5505 914 home care service homes and group home Ainola Since 1993 Jokkakallion service company has offered their own home in a safe environment where help is always available if needed. Services The house has 36 apartments, including 30 one-room flats (40 m²) and the remaining 6 two-room apartments (50 square meters). All the apartments are disabled-dimensioned and they are equipped with a safety phones. Residents receive care and home care services according to the service plan Jokkakallion home care. The service apartments can reside either in the municipality itself as paying payment obligations or as a resident. Options include a standard or enhanced service housing. In fact, as paying agent resident can get on the purchase of service vouchers home care services. In January 2013 has been opened a 10-seat group home Ainola. Residents receive care and home care services according to the service plan Jokkakallion home care. For more information contact a responsible manager Anne Lampinen, mobile tel. 040 353 0437, managers tel. 040 487 3025, Secretary Mervi Halvari, tel. 040 487 3021. Home care Home care is based on a pre-care and service plan, as adjusted by changing the situation as necessary, at least once a year. Home care can be permanent or temporary and can contain both a nurse that the service given by the practical nurse, eg. Drug treatment, kylvetysapua, dining assistance and the weekly cleaning. For further information please duty manager Anne Lampinen, mobile tel. 040 353 0437, or managers tel. 040 487 3025 Medical come to the city of Rovaniemi health center.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskus

the elderly services is jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskuksessa developed rovalan setlementti ry: n in accordance with the values of: customer, open, trusting and respecting the rights of the individual and the community. quality development has been closely involved in the already since the 1990s.
the inhabitants of holistic care.their care and rehabilitation activities have enabled long asumisajat and functional conservation. a lively cultural and creative activities have kept their spirits up, although the disease otherwise restrict activity.

jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskuksen is intended to promote and support the elderly.people with disabilities and other pensioners' welfare and the ability of producing and developing the individual palveluasunto, ryhmäasumis and palvelukeskuspalveluja.

from the care center can be found in the service centre office services, catering services, the physical and psychosocial rehabilitation services and jalkahoitola.

psychosocial function contains virikkeellistä pienryhmätoimintaa house resident and non pensioners.
the week program includes focus groups, tarinatuokioita, takkahetkiä, ostosreissuja and celebrate. volunteers are involved. grandma's kammari, which are welcome, also outside the house, the elderly, meets maantaisin 13:00 onwards.

jokkakallion cafeteria about cap produces catering services jokkakallion asumispalvelukeskuksen residents and staff on
the rovaniemi city library maintains a care siirtokokoelmaa, which allows the smooth use of library services.

physical therapy is controlled by the elderly and the elderly self exercise and functional maintenance and providing rehabilitation referral by a doctor or without.

jalkahoitopalvelut produces beauty and jalkahoitola oceana the ollila tel. 044 5505 914
home care palveluasunnot and group home ainola
since 1993 jokkakallion retirement community has offered my own home in a safe environment.where help is always available. it's a retirement home is 36 housing units, of which 30 are studio apartments (40 m2), and the remaining 6 kaksioita (50 m2). all apartments have a handicapped mitoitettuja and they are equipped with turvapuhelimilla.
the residents receive treatment, and in accordance with the palvelusuunnitelman provided by home jokkakallion home care.

palveluasunnoissa can live either municipality maksusitoumuksella or myself as a paying occupant. the options are normal or enhanced palveluasuminen. myself as a paying occupant can get from the state palvelusetelin kotihoitopalveluiden purchase.

in january 2013 has opened 10 places ainola group home.residents receive treatment, and in accordance with the palvelusuunnitelman provided by home jokkakallion home care.

for further information, please contact the nurse anne lamby, pooh. 040 353 0437, nurses, pooh. 040 487 3025, toimistosihteeri mervi halvari, pooh. 040 487 3021.

homebased care home care is based on the internal management and palvelusuunnitelmaan, which will be revised in the light of new developments, as appropriate,at least once a year. home care can be permanent or temporary, and it can contain both the nurse that lähihoitajan's service, for example. medical treatment, kylvetysapua, ruokailuapua and viikkosiivousta.

for further information, please contact the nurse anne lamby, pooh. 040 353 0437, or nurses, pooh. 040 487 3025
medical services from rovaniemi city health centre.
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