Forest Group recruits prosessinhoitajia pulp millsForest Fibre press release 11.1.2016The forest is a part of forest Fibre is recruiting new prosessinhoitajia Joutseno, Kemi, Rauma and Rebuilt the pulp mills and the biotuote factory in Äänekoskelle in southern Ostrobothnia in 2017. The selected tasks in May beginning with an insight into apprenticeships. The search at the end of the 24. January."Apprenticeship training is a well-established way to hire new professionals sellutehtaillemme. We are preparing ourselves for the future of the recruitment needs of the knowledge-based and now, for the next few years, a lot of pulp to Botnia from our eläköityy professionals ", a forest of Fibren human resources Director Jari Forss says.A year and a half-long apprenticeship training are selected about 20 people, who are already in the process of electric automation, or mechanical engineering degree, or an appropriate Bachelor's degree. The theory-and työssäoppimisjaksojen for the manufacture of wood pulp and Forest during the people an insight into the way in which the Fibren, which are at the heart of the guest, the effectiveness of the work of the occupational safety and in constant development, and sustainable development.Forest Group is a responsible and demanding employer, which invests in the development of their skills and well-being."For us it is important that employees feel good about their tasks, and the work is secure with best rates guaranteed. We also want to give all employees the opportunity to develop their skills continuously ", Jari Forss says.Previous Forest Fibren apprenticeship started in the spring of 2015, when we recruit for 20 people. Apprenticeship can apply for Forest Group's Web-site at