Mat¬ti Van¬ha¬sen (kesk) hal¬li¬tus uu¬dis¬ti Suo¬men ener¬gia¬po¬li¬tii¬kan pe¬rin poh¬jin. Uu¬siu¬tu¬van ener¬gian edis¬tä¬mi¬ses¬tä, pääs¬tö¬jen vä¬hen¬tä¬mi¬ses¬tä ja alan ra¬hoi¬tuk¬ses¬ta sää¬det¬tiin lail¬la. Ta¬voi¬tel¬tu al¬koi to¬teu-tua. Ki¬vi¬hii¬len käyt¬tö kään¬tyi jyrk¬kään las¬kuun, uu¬siu¬tu¬va nos¬ti pää¬tään, ja alan teol¬li¬suus, muun muas¬sa bio¬polt¬to¬nes¬tei¬den val¬mis¬tus, saa¬tiin vah¬vaan kas¬vuun.
Jyr¬ki Ka¬tai¬sen (kok) hal¬li¬tus, mu¬kaan lu¬kien vih¬reät, on kään¬tä¬nyt asian nu¬rin ku¬rin. Se hei¬ken¬si vii-me vuo¬den alus¬ta kym¬me¬nil¬lä pro¬sen¬teil¬la ko¬ti¬mai¬sen ener¬gian kil¬pai¬lu¬ky¬kyä ja ava¬si ovet ki¬vi¬hii¬len vyö¬ry¬mi¬sel¬le Suo¬meen. Nyt kym¬me¬net ki¬vi¬hii¬len käy¬tös¬tä ker¬ran jo li¬ki luo¬pu¬neet lai¬tok¬set polt¬ta¬vat useim¬mi¬ten Ura¬lin ta¬kaa kai¬vet¬tua mus¬taa hiil¬tä.
Suo¬meen tuo¬tiin vii¬me vuon¬na Tul¬lin ti¬las¬ton mu¬kaan lä¬hes 40 pro¬sent¬tia enem¬män ki¬vi¬hiil¬tä kuin vuon¬na 2012. Al¬hai¬sil¬la¬kin hii¬len hin¬noil¬la las¬ku on lä¬hes puo¬li mil¬jar¬dia eu¬roa. Se on myrk¬kyä Suo-men kaup¬pa¬ta¬seel¬le. Se vie työ¬paik¬ko¬ja tu¬han¬sil¬ta suo¬ma¬lai¬sil¬ta. Suo¬mes¬sa ei ole, sit¬ten sa¬not¬tu¬jen muu¬tos¬ten, käyn¬nis¬tet¬ty yh¬den¬kään uu¬den puu¬ta ja tur¬vet¬ta käyt¬tä¬vän CHP-¬lai¬tok¬sen ra¬ken¬ta¬mis¬ta.
Ka¬tai¬sen hal¬li¬tuk¬sen on pe¬rut¬ta¬va en¬si ti¬las¬sa toi¬men¬sa, joil¬la se on suo¬si¬nut ki¬vi¬hiil¬tä ko¬ti¬mai¬sen ener¬gian kus¬tan¬nuk¬sel¬la. Ny¬kyi¬sel¬lä hiil¬tä suo¬si¬val¬la lin¬jal¬la Suo¬mi ei ky¬ke¬ne ky¬ke¬ne kan¬ta¬maan omaa osuut¬taan liioin EU:n uu¬sis¬ta ener¬gia- ja il¬mas¬to¬lin¬jauk¬sis¬ta. Muu¬ten¬kin näyt¬tää sil¬tä, et¬tä Suo-mi ei ha¬lua¬kaan Ka¬tai¬sen hal¬li¬tuk¬sen joh¬dol¬la kuu¬lua uu¬siu¬tu¬van ener¬gian joh¬ta¬viin mai¬hin.
EU:n ko¬mis¬sion val¬mis¬tel¬les¬sa unio¬nin il¬mas¬to- ja ener¬gia¬lin¬jauk¬sia vuo¬teen 2030 Suo¬men hal¬li¬tus on mo¬nis¬ta muis¬ta Eu¬roo¬pan mais¬ta poi¬ke¬ten il¬moit¬ta¬nut, et¬tei se kan¬na¬ta uu¬siu¬tu¬van ener¬gian li¬sää¬mi-sel¬le maa¬koh¬tai¬ses¬ti vel¬voit¬ta¬via ta¬voit¬tei¬ta vuo¬teen 2030 men¬nes¬sä. Vel¬voit¬tei¬den kan¬nal¬la ovat ol-leet muun muas¬sa Sak¬sa ja Rans¬ka.
Suo¬men on tuet¬ta¬va uu¬siu¬tu¬van ener¬gian osuu¬den nos¬ta¬mis¬ta unio¬nin alueel¬le esi¬tet¬tyyn 27 pro¬sent-tiin, ken¬ties 30 pro¬sent¬tiin. Tä¬hän pää¬se¬mi¬sek¬si jä¬sen¬mail¬le on osoi¬tet¬ta¬va si¬to¬vat maa¬koh¬tai¬set osuu-det.
Suo¬mi on suh¬teel¬li¬ses¬ti Eu¬roo¬pan met¬säi¬sin maa, ja meil¬lä on mah¬ta¬vat mah¬dol¬li¬suu¬det uu¬siu¬tu¬van ener¬gian li¬sää¬mi¬seen.
Suo¬men tu¬lee¬kin si¬tou¬tua sii¬hen, et¬tä nos¬tam¬me uu¬siu¬tu¬van ener¬gian osuu¬den ja ener¬giao¬ma¬va¬rai-suu¬den vuo¬teen 2050 men¬nes¬sä yli 50 pro¬sent¬tiin. Lii¬ken¬tees¬sä uu¬siu¬tu¬vien ener¬gia¬läh¬tei¬den ja säh-kön osuus on nos¬tet¬ta¬va yli 40 pro¬sent¬tiin.
Näil¬lä toi¬mil¬la Suo¬mi ky¬ke¬ni¬si vä¬hen¬tä¬mään hii¬li¬diok¬si¬di¬pääs¬tö¬jä ei-¬pääs¬tö¬kaup¬pa¬sek¬to¬ril¬la lä¬hes 50 pro¬sent¬tia kol¬mes¬sa vuo¬si¬kym¬me¬nes¬sä.
Si¬tou¬tu¬mal¬la vah¬vas¬ti uu¬siu¬tu¬vaan ener¬giaan Suo¬mi aut¬tai¬si myös suo¬ma¬lai¬sen ener¬gia¬tek¬no¬lo¬gian ke¬hit¬ty¬mis¬tä. Sii¬tä esi¬merk¬kei¬nä ovat jo muun muas¬sa Nes¬te Oi¬lin, For¬tu¬min ja ST1:n ke¬hit¬tä¬mät uu-det tuot¬teet ja uu¬si tuo¬tan¬to.
Mau¬ri Pek¬ka¬ri¬nen
kan¬sa¬ne¬dus¬ta¬ja (kesk), Jy¬väs¬ky¬lä
ソース言語: フィンランド語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
hs Mauri Pekkarinen: government commitment to renewable energy
mat ¬ ti ¬ ha ¬ van it (Centre) hal ¬ li ¬ ing a new dis ¬ ¬ ti ¬ men carried the energy po ¬ gy ¬ ¬ ¬ li ¬ tee national pe ¬ ¬ circuit bottom of the burden of . new blessings ¬ ¬ ¬ tu van energy strategy to promote ¬ ¬ ¬ of ¬ mi ¬ ses of, the emission TÖ ¬ ¬ OF ¬ at ¬ ratio of the mi ¬ ¬ ¬ ses of the field and treat ¬ ra ¬ ¬ tuk ses ¬ to ¬ weather det ¬ ¬ la was lawful. s ¬ ¬ to ¬ tel koi tu al ¬ to ¬ slaughter Tua. ki vi ¬ ¬ ¬ carbon air TÖ not use ¬ ¬ ¬ not Tyi steep las ¬ moon, bless the new ¬ ¬ ¬ tu va nos ¬ ti ¬ head, theand the field of industrial ¬ li ¬ content, among other things in the bio ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ fuel until tei ¬ ¬ ¬ val of mis ¬ tion, not ¬ ¬ but the strong growth ¬ potential economic growth.
ki ka milling ¬ ¬ ¬ or the (National Coalition Party ) hal ¬ li ¬ tion, according to no lu ¬ ¬ ¬ panel will green banks, it is not of ¬ ¬ now the nu ¬ ¬ circuit such extent. hey it ¬ ¬ ken si in recent years the ship ¬ ¬ ¬ ten to me ¬ ¬ nil LÄ pro ¬ it ¬ ¬ teil la ko ti ¬ ¬ ¬ mentioned the energy strategy com ¬ ¬ ¬ w lu ¬ ky ¬ ness and space ¬ si doors ki vi ¬ ¬ ¬ carbon air belt ¬ ry mi ¬ ¬ ¬ le sel a recommended printer.Now we are ten ¬ ¬ ¬ ki net carbon vi ¬ ¬ ¬ len is statements of the times ¬ ¬ ran for li ¬ ki creates a pu ¬ ¬ ¬ loans to set fuel tok ¬ ¬ ¬ VAT to most mi ¬ ¬ ¬ career as the lin ¬ I guess the gas ¬ ¬ vet Tua mus ¬ ¬ of the carbons.
a recommended connector that ¬ ¬ we were five year ¬ na ¬ lin interpretation las ti ¬ ¬ ¬ ton mu of La ¬ ¬ nearly 40 per cent more sent ¬ ¬ this ki vi ¬ ¬ ¬ carbons of the year ¬ 2012. al ¬ ¬ hai sil ¬ la ¬ ¬ flight each carbon price ¬ ¬ noil la las ¬ ku is a tran ¬ nearly half mil ¬ li ¬ ¬ dia eu jar ¬ lion.it is a toxic ¬ ness of Finland's trade pa ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ le seel. it takes the work of Paik ¬ ¬ ¬ and ko tu han ¬ ¬ ¬ eye to direct ma ¬ ¬ ¬ loans sil ¬ Pub. direct mes ¬ ¬ is not the same, then the same as ¬ ¬ ¬ not tu ¬ OF ¬ other ¬ tos ten, I'll nis ¬ ¬ ¬ ty one tet ¬ the ¬ ¬ ing any new wood ¬ to ¬ vet and safe to use ¬ ¬ s ¬ fair chp-lai ¬ ¬ ¬ tok the ra ¬ ¬ to ¬ ken mis ¬ Pub.
ka ¬ or ¬ to ¬ li ¬ Board ¬ tuk is the pe ¬ ¬ to ¬ rut va en si ti ¬ ¬ ¬ las sa ¬ ¬ men brought in,JOIL ¬ la, it is a recommended nut ki si ¬ ¬ ¬ vi ¬ carbons of the co ¬ ti ¬ ¬ mentioned the energy cost of energy ¬ ¬ ¬ tan nucleotide ¬ ¬ sel la. ny ¬ ¬ sel kyi LÄ ¬ ¬ carbons of protection ¬ si ¬ val ¬ la ¬ lin foot ¬ la ¬ mi no direct ques ¬ ¬ ke ke the ques ¬ ¬ ¬ they are carried to their own ¬ ¬ its share of the Nor eu's new sis ¬ ¬ ¬ ogy of energy and air mas ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ lin Jauk ¬ sis ¬ Pub. other as ¬ ¬ ¬ each display a sil ¬ s, ¬ s you are protected mi no lua ha ¬ ¬ no ¬ or ¬ ka hal the li ¬ ¬ ¬ tuk due to the dol ¬ ¬ ¬ la moon lua bless the new ¬ ¬ tu ¬ Van energy strategy due to ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ Viin milk prices.
euThe question mis ¬ ¬ ¬ val's mis ¬ tel ¬ ¬ les in the Union's il ¬ ¬ mas ¬ to ¬ and energy gia lin ¬ ¬ ¬ Jauk SIA year ¬ 2030 ¬ men directly manage ¬ li ¬ tion is mo ¬ nis ¬ ¬ to remember the role of the eu ¬ ¬ ¬ the European corn poi ¬ ¬ ke il as correct func ¬ ¬ ¬ the nut, you do it in the tei ¬ na ¬ ¬ ¬ bless the new tu ¬ ¬ ¬ van energy strategy li ¬ ¬ mi weather -sel ¬ le Mon ¬ ¬ or ¬ target ses ¬ ti ¬ to ¬ obligation to via the ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ tei the year 2030 I ¬ ¬ ¬ nes in SA. obligations ¬ ¬ you ¬ tei the national ¬ ¬ nal ol-la are leet, among other things ¬ in ¬ in German and French ¬ ka.
directly ¬ ¬ men must support the re ¬ va ¬ ¬ bless tu ¬ ¬ van energy strategy hits the nos ¬ ¬ ¬ the mis ¬ to ¬ Union's regional pre ¬ ¬ le tet ¬ ¬ TYY 27 per cents at the wall, who knows ¬ 30 per ¬ ¬ was sent. of his head ¬ ¬ it ¬ ¬ mi si sec ¬ of ¬ the ¬ ¬ le mail is addressed to the tet ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ si va ¬ to VAT Mon ¬ ¬ or ¬ target figures for the set.
mi is a direct relation ¬ ¬ teel ¬ li ¬ ses ¬ ti ¬ eu role of European forests ¬ ¬ ¬ sin preserve land and Meil ​​¬ LA is possible to ¬ ¬ ¬ VAT mah dol ¬ li ¬ ¬ det mouth to bless the new ¬ ¬ ¬ tu van energy strategy li ¬ ¬ Weather ¬ mi ¬ to.
swamp men tu ¬ ¬ ¬ lee of each si ¬ May ¬ ¬ Tua SII personnel, you nos ¬ ¬ of ¬ January we bless the new ¬ ¬ ¬ tu ¬ van energy strategy hits ¬ ing and energy Giao ¬ ¬ ma ¬ va ¬ rai-of-mouth ¬ ¬ I do the year 2050 ¬ ¬ until the period in excess of 50 per ¬ ¬ was sent. ken net ¬ ¬ ¬ tees SÄ new blessings ¬ ¬ ¬ tu ¬ ogy of energy sources ¬ ¬ ¬ tei and the electricity is to raise the proportion of tet ¬ ¬ ¬ va to more than 40 per ¬ ¬ was sent.
With these Wärtsilä supplies ¬ ¬ ¬ la mil ¬ protective mi ques ¬ ke ¬ ni ¬ si ¬ at ¬ ratio of carbon to the ¬ ¬ ¬ li ¬ dioxin si di ¬ ¬ ¬ emis ¬ TÖ members of the non-emission ¬ ¬ ¬ TÖ trade pa ¬ sec ¬ ¬ ¬ to ¬ ril la la ¬ nearly 50 per cent of ¬ ¬ sent three mes ¬ ¬ ¬ si in year ten ¬ ¬ ¬ we ¬ nes in SA.
si tu ¬ May ¬ ¬ ¬ mal la strong ¬ ¬ ti receive a new ¬ ¬ bless tu ¬ ¬ nology, but the energy carried ¬ mi ¬ or ¬ aut si cate ¬ ma ¬ ¬ loans to energy technol ¬ ogy ¬ ¬ no ¬ lo ¬ strategy devel ¬ ¬ ty hit mis ¬ ¬ s. SII of pre ¬ ¬ ¬ sign means ¬ ness operations are already in, among other things ¬ ¬ until you O ¬ lin, for tu ¬ ¬ min, and st1:The devel ¬ ¬ of ¬ welding systems to produce new det ¬ you do and will bring a new si ¬ ¬ ¬ to tan.
Mau ¬ ri ¬ ka pek ¬ ri ¬ tion
national ¬ ¬ in ¬ the ¬ to ¬ dus, and (Centre) , jy the com ¬ ¬ ¬ ky LÄ
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Mat ¬ ¬ ¬ ti Van ha (Ret) hal ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ dis li ti tus uu Willing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ men ener gia po li ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ rin poh tee kan pe ¬ jin. Uu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tu van siu ener gian edis ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ mi s of ses, from Abba to ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ hen than jen co mi ¬ ¬ ¬ and industry of ra, ses hoi ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ weather ses tuk ta det ¬ _ ¬, like la. Ta ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tu al can tel koi to ¬ teu tua. Ki ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ vi, ABBA, yet you go to len hii ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬, yet steep hill, las month operations were particularly critical, uu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tu va nos siu ti head is pressed, and the industry's efforts, among li ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ sa bio fuel to the nes ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tei den val mis tus, receives € _ remain steady, but now the vah ¬ ¬. ¬
Masoud ki Ka ¬ or ¬ the (IOC) hal ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ mu li tus, kaan reät, ¬ ¬ in the lu is a recent convert to kien vih ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ now than the nu rin ku ¬ rin. It Hi ' ken ' si vii-we ship ¬ ¬ den MOU ta kym ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ we on't pro nil it ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ la ti FA teil mai ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ gian kil the ener pai ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ky effective and ava lu ¬ ¬ ¬ vi si doors ki hii ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ len belt ry mi le sel ' Swamp ' meen. Now, kym ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ vi we net ki hii ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ per visit against len ker ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ki ran for li luo pu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tok set fuel to neet lai ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ mi ta is most often appeared in ten Career ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ kaa kai lin ta vet ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ taa hiil tua mus.
Swamp ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ _ vii we meen brings flow ¬ na Tul ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ lin ti las a ton of mu ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ 40 pro do not Hamid hes sent ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ SIVE ki vi Scott enem ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ na hiil than flow in 2012. Al ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ la hai sil also hii ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ noil len hin la las ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ku li Dai Missio hes a mil ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ dia eu jar roa. It is effective Marsh myrk ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ pa ta men kaup seel ¬ le. It takes work to ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ko paik and han tu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ta sil suo ma lai ' sil '. The swamp is not an mes ¬ ¬ sa, sit ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ten sa not tu jen other ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ten, I visit the tos of nis ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ den tet does ty yh uu ¬ ¬ ¬ and the den tree tur vet ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ per day visit the ta of the CHP-¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ lai ra it tok ken ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ta ta mis.
Ka ¬ or ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ li tuk the hal is pe ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ta rut va en si ti ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ men las sa sa, in the UK it is a swamp ¬ ¬ la si ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ vi hiil nut ki Thi ko ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ the ener ti mai gian kus ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ nuk sel tan la. Ny ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ sel BA kyi hiil% swamp ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ val si la lin jal ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ no ky la mi Fen ke ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ they Wed they ky kan ta osuut ' ¬â ' ¬ ¬ a taan slapping Eu uu ¬ ¬ ¬ ener gia ta sis and il ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ to lin jauk, mas ' sis ' ta. The rest of the ' ten ' ¬â also appear be sil ¬ ¬% Marsh, you mi did the ha ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ kaan Ka lua or the hal ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tuk it John li dol ¬ ¬ ¬ a lua la Moon uu siu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ gian and tu van ener John ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ment mai ta hin.
in the EU:n ko ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ mis mis sion val tel ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ les sa unio nin il ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ mas and ener gia ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ jauk, sia, lin flow coffee 2030 Swamp ¬ ¬ ¬ li's men hal mo ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ the Eu ta nis muis ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ pan mais ta poi roo ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ten moit ke il ta ' nut, you ¬ ¬ ¬ na ta it kan tei uu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ siu tu van ener gian li ¬ weather ¬ ¬ ¬ le mi-sel maa koh ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ti vel or ses you ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ via ta ta to tei ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ coffee year 2030 men ta nes ¬dude. Vel ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ den kan tei to nal ¬ la are ol-leet among ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ sa and sa Sak Rans ka.
Swamp ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ta men has AIDS va uu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tu van siu ener gian hits ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ nos ta den mis ta unio ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ le nin Visi, the ancestors of the tet ¬ _ ¬ sent Su 27 pro, ken ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ 30 _ sent the pro who knows. S € she the head of ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ mi sek si it and it is in the mail to ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tet ta le demonstrat ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ to va si vat country ¬ ¬ or ¬ set hits for koh-det.
Swamp ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ li mi is suh teel ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ roo ti ses Eu pan met BEA ¬ ¬ you the land, and do not have a Meile ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ vat mah mah ta dol ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ li siu foot det uu ¬ ¬ ¬ van tu, ener gian li ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tion.
mi weatherSwamp ¬ ¬ ¬ lee kin men tu si ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ mo tou hen, et tua ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tam Thi nos we uu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tu van ener siu gian hits ¬ ¬ ¬ and ener giao Mon ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬-foot den va rai flux ¬ ¬ ¬ nes coffee 2050 men over 50 e-pro ' sent '-tee. Lii ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ u uu ken siu tees ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ener gia vien tu SE ' tei ' den and par-Kö 's share is the nos ' tet ' ta ' va over 40 pro ¬ _ ¬ sent.
Näil ' ¬â ' ¬ ¬ mil la Pala brought Swamp ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ke mi ky ni si co ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ment than a hen hii li ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ maximum levels were Seton si di from ¬ ¬ ¬ ment and non-t ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ment kaup sek pa ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ril la navigat to the hes 50 pro ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tia sent Col. mes sa flux ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ we si kym nes ¬ ¬ ¬ you.
Si tou tu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ vas, la mal vah ti uu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tu but the siu ener giaan Swamp ¬ ¬ ¬ or si mi aut also suo ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ lai ma the ener gia ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ no lo tek gian ke ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ hit tymis '. Sii ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ merk of the ancestors of the kei sho are already among ¬ ¬ ¬ you, O sa Nes lin, For ' tu ' min and ST1:n ke ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ per grades for new hit "det prod¬ucts and uu ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ tan si brings to.
Mau ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ka ri ri Pek nen
kan ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ta sa dus ' and they (Coalition Party), Jy ¬ ' ¬ ' ¬ ky th väs
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