Testataan MFI:llä Possehl Zeta4-Barduksella liiman lisäämistä zeta4n alla siten että ribsi peittyy kokonaisuudessaan. Ajetaan aamuvuorossa muun ajon ohessa. OS tekee diebondauksen.
To test the MFI has Possehl Zeta4 Barduksella-adhesive addition of zeta4n below with ribsi is covered in its entirety. <br><br>Run the morning shift along with other driving. OS makes diebondauksen.
Tested with the Mfi Possehl ZETA4-Bardwith The addition of adhesive zeta4n underneath, so that the RIBSI is fully covered. <br><br>Run in the morning with another ride. The OS makes Diebondus.
Test MFI Possehl Zeta4-Barduks for the addition of adhesive under zeta4 to completely cover the rib.<br>We'll drive in the morning with everything. OS makes a diet.<br>