Metsäliitto cooperative pays an interest rate of 5.5% of the share capitalForest Group's press release on 8.5.2015Metsäliitto cooperative at its annual Assembly decided at a meeting of the 7.5.2015, the owner of the share capital and the interest payable to the members of the cooperative. Metsäliitto osuuskunta sijoittamalle sääntömääräiselle share capital paid's 2014 on the basis of the results of the interest rate 5.5% (from the year 2013: 5,5 + 1.0% for the anniversary year the interest rate). (A) a share of the capital paid in for the interest rate 5.0% (5.0) and (B) of the proportion of capital-additional 4,5% (4.5).Percentage of the relevant interest shall be paid to the members of the 12.5.2015. The interest shall be payable for the year 2014, a total of 45.7 million euros (44.5%). Amount to be paid the equivalent of about four euros for each cubic foot of received meters per by 2014.The members of the Management Board erovuoroisista re-elected agrologist Mats Brandt Kokkola, agronomist, Hannu Janakkalasta, a farmer in Esko Järvinen, K Pieksämäeltä, agrologist, Timo Nikula Band, master of social sciences Geega kiuruvesi and forestry engineer Matti Äijö Ikaalisista.Farmer Peter Hongisto's replacement was selected as the Utajärveltä, and Pirkko Laitinen, Mauri Bachelor Bachelor of Ruuthin in place of the elected Editor, Farmer John T from Savonlinna.The Administrative Council of the Ikäpykälän of the two, had three members. Hannu Lassila, a farmer, was a farmer in T h Vetelistä, a farmer in the Lake of fire, forest service replaced by Martti entrepreneur Jukka-Pekka Nurmi, released for the peninsula Lake and farmer Jason Lew to head in place of the farmer John Alatalo Soinista.The Board chose the inaugural meeting, the President and agronomist John Buchanan farmer David Paajasen. FOREST GROUPCorporate communicationsFor more information:Juha Jumppanen, Member Service Director, Metsä Group, Tel. 050 3844 808Juha Laine, Director of communications, the forest Group, Tel. 010 465 4541