at the initiative of the biotuotetehtaan factory alapuoliseen kapeenkoskeen was planted in the 2 500 trout had in october.october:at the initiative of the biotuotetehtaan factory alapuoliseen kapeenkoskeen planted in 2 500 trout the calf.november:stresses the importance of providing safety for all workers kolmituntinen security stop. turbiinigeneraattori is installed at the end of november.december:työmaavahvuus peak. every day at work is about 2 600−2 700 people, vilkkaimpina days, more than 3, 000. rikkihappotehtaan construction works are in progress. biotuotetehdasprojektin kokonaisedistymä is towards the end of the year 2016, 82%.look at the video, how biotuotetehdastyömaa has changed during the year 2016: