forest group omistajajäsenten puukauppatulot grow
forest group press release 1.12.2015
forest group to omistajajäsenilleen trade payable, the amount of bonuses up to 75%. the bonus will now also metsänhoitopalveluiden purchase.
from the december introduced reformed bonus system to substantially raise trade payable the amount of bonuses. what's new is thatfrom now on, also the use of metsänhoitopalveluiden gets a bonus.
the forest group pay timber price agreed on in the context of metsäliitto cooperative members bonus 0,3–1,4 eur per puukuutiometriä. a bonus starts to accumulate, when selling forest group tree over a period of four years, a total of at least 500 cubic meters. the amount of the bonus depends on the jäsentasosta and sold puumäärästä:the more wood sells, the more bonus points accumulated.
metsänhoitopalveluiden bonus shall be calculated as a percentage of the total. the bonus is 1% - 4%, depending on the jäsentasosta.
"bonusjärjestelmämme reform affects the whole of its members: please make. in accordance with the omistajastrategiamme it rewards the best to our long term commitment to the members. we pay a bonus with us on a regular basis asioiville ",metsäjohtaja juha mäntylä says.
the bonuses paid to separate bonustilille, where it can be tulouttaa next timber context or used, for example, metsänhoitotöiden payment. bonuses paid metsänhoitotöistä accumulates new bonus.
if omistajajäsen sells wood for four years, a total of, for example, 1 500–2 500 cubic metres,he paid for the timber trade in the bonus 40 cents for every puukuutiometristä. the same amount of myyneelle forest hoitosopimuksen issuing omistajajäsenelle accumulates each puukuutiolle one euro for the extra cost.
metsäliitto cooperative can join if owns in finland at least three hectares of woodland.accession within five years shall pay the base rate, which the cooperative pays interest. the interest rate has been, in recent years, 5.5%.
in 2014 metsäliitto cooperative members were paid in euro jäsenetuja over eur 50 million, which represents an average of approximately eur 4,5 each commissioner to buy puukuutiometriä towards.the bonus system after the reform of the jäsenedut grow best 7-8 euro members to buy puukuutiometriä per.