technical director of perch lehmosen is responsible for checking that the komissiointi progressing methodically, safely, and in accordance with the timetable. photos: forest groupthe introduction of kylmäkoestuksesta productiveat the first stage, biotuotetehtaan devices are komissioinnin kylmätestausta, i.e. the mechanical experimental purposes."for example, each valve and electric motor function test. when everything is fine, let's go equipment to test different käyttöryhminä. testing has also been done before installation in the so-called fat tests ", tells the story of the second stage, testing to undertake väliaineilla in those locations where, for example, the use of water is possible."equipment is formed vesiajoryhmiä, and their activity is tested by using cold water. also, air can be used as, for example, savukaasupuhaltimien testing. "kylmäkoestusvaiheesta move smoothly the factory kuumakäyttöön, after a production test and the still ongoing commercial use of 2017, in the third quarter."during the kylmäkoestusvaiheen also makes factory lye and kemikaalitäytöt."