Maro, kannen layout Suunnittelin tähän doujinshiin mm. kannen parodisen ulkoasun. Suomalaisista lehdistä en löytänyt samanlaista värien sekamelskaa kuin japanilaisista, joten halusin toteuttaa jotain sellaista.
Maro, cover layoutI designed this doujinshiin mm. cover parody in look and feel. The Finns in the press, I did not find the same colors in a shambles as Japanese, so I wanted to implement something like that.
Maro, the deck layout I designed this doujinshi mm. cover parody appearance. Finnish magazines I could not find the same kind of colors in a patchwork as the Japanese, so I wanted to take something like that.
maro, deck layout i designed this doujinshiin mm. the lid parodisen presentation. i couldn't find the same color of the finns leaves than the japanese, so i wanted to take something like that.