Leijonien entisen hyökkääjän pojalle unelmasiirto Liverpooliin.Suomala翻訳 - Leijonien entisen hyökkääjän pojalle unelmasiirto Liverpooliin.Suomala英語言う方法

Leijonien entisen hyökkääjän pojall

Leijonien entisen hyökkääjän pojalle unelmasiirto Liverpooliin.

Suomalaispoika Patrik, 14, siirtyy Liverpoolin akatemiapelaajaksi.
Rauli Raitanen, 46, johti menestyksekkäästi Porin Ässien ykkösketjua vuosikaudet 1990-luvulla ja saavutti Leijonien kanssa Suomen ensimmäisen jääkiekon MM-mitalin, hopeaa Prahassa 1992.

– Patrik pelasi noin 11-vuotiaaksi asti sekä jääkiekkoa että jalkapalloa ja valitsi sitten jälkimmäisen. Jalkapallo on aina ollut hänen suurin intohimonsa. Minä en valintoja ohjaillut, Rauli Raitanen kertoi sunnuntaina.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The son of the former in the Lions ' den of the attacker's dream move to Liverpool.Liverpool's Patrik Suomalaispoika, 14, moves to the akatemiapelaajaksi.Jackie R, 46, was led by the left for years successfully Pori Aces of the chain in the 1990s and reached out of the ice hockey world championships with Finland's first medal, a silver medal in Prague in 1992.– Patrik played for about 11 years until now, as well as ice hockey, football and chose then to the latter. Football has always been his greatest passion. I do the work, Jackie R said on Sunday the choices.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
. Of the lions of the former attacker son of a dream transfer to Liverpool Finnish boy Patrik, 14, moves to the Liverpool academy player. Raoul Raitanen, 46, led a successful Pori Aces number one topic for years in the 1990s and peaked with the lions of the first Finnish Ice Hockey World Championship medal, silver in Prague in 1992. - Patrik played for about 11 until year-olds, as well as hockey and football and then chose the latter. Football has always been his greatest passion. I'm choreographing choices, Raoul Raitanen told reporters on Sunday.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the former the attacker"s boy unelmasiirto to liverpool.suomalaispoika patrick, 14, is transferred to the liverpool akatemiapelaajaksi.rauli raitanen, 46, has successfully conducted pori ässien ykkösketjua for years in the 1990s, and reached with the lions, finland"s first world ice hockey championships - silver medal, in prague, in 1992.- patrik played around until i was 11, and that the game of football and hockey chose then the latter. football has always been his biggest passion. i"m not choices work, he raitanen said on sunday.
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