Interior architect has a wide knowledge of different usages of spaces 翻訳 - Interior architect has a wide knowledge of different usages of spaces 日本語言う方法

Interior architect has a wide knowl

Interior architect has a wide knowledge of different usages of spaces as well as the good quality and cultural values of surroundings. The interior architect masters colour, surface, material and production design. He/she has a good command of the technical and practical methods of the design field, focusing on space, lighting and furniture design.

The work of an interior architect includes designing creative spaces, lighting, furniture and structures. The interior architect commands projects from sketches to implementation plans. He/she works as a special designer in the building trade, working in cooperation with the customer, user, architect and other designers in the building industry.

The interior architect can work in design firms, public construction companies, design and interior decoration businesses and magazines. The interior architect can also work as an entrepreneur.

Contact e-mail: muotoilu@
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]

インテリア建築家の仕事には創造的なスペース、照明、家具および構造の設計が含まれます。内部の実装計画をスケッチからコマンド プロジェクトの建築家します。彼ら/彼女は建物の貿易特別なデザイナーとして働く、


連絡先電子メール: デザイン。
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Interior architect has a wide knowledge of different usages of spaces as well as the good quality and cultural values of surroundings. The interior architect masters colour, surface, material and production design. He/she has a good command of the technical and practical methods of the design field, focusing on space, lighting and furniture design.

The work of an interior architect includes designing creative spaces, lighting, furniture and structures. The interior architect commands projects from sketches to implementation plans. He/she works as a special designer in the building trade, working in cooperation with the customer, user, architect and other designers in the building industry.

The interior architect can work in design firms, public construction companies, design and interior decoration businesses and magazines. The interior architect can also work as an entrepreneur.

Contact e-mail: muotoilu@
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